Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Question about lice and nits? Please help!?!?

Okay so a while ago myy friend wa telling me about her terrible lice experience. And I guess paranoia kicked in. She told be about 6 months ago. And I've been worried about it since. Well I've always had a pretty dry scalp and I have to use dandruff shampoo for it, it was just really dry scalp. Each time I touch my head I just thinka about lice. And I will find 1 or 2 little white things in my hair every once in a while. And I'm not sure if its nits or not. I am super worried, because I found a little yellow white colored thing in my hair, so I pulled it right out and it was pointy and one end. It was so scary. If I find one I can usually pull or flick it right out. I'm getting really worried! And also about 3 months ago my mom checked me but she said she didn't see anything at all. Also would a hairdresser tell me if they saw anything? I'm not sure if im paranoid or if I really have lice. Oh yeah also if I do itch my head I can usually just rub my finger over the little place that itches and it would go away. Please help me, rhankkss. No one has gotten lice that I know of lately. And the little white things I pull out me hair are really hard! If that helps

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