Wednesday, July 20, 2011

As a parent, would you freak out or be ok with the fact that your husband's niece gave your 10 yr old son head?

lice? Would you be okay with this fact, or would you be more prone to find your sister inlaw and her family a dirty, discusting household? Just wondering.

How do lice make your hair feel?

So I know how to identify lice but I'm more interested in how they make your hair feel. Apparantely it feels like dandruff? Does it make your hair feel dirty at the roots aswell?

Shattered iPhone 4 screen?!?

Well I guess its worth a shot since you probably cant ruin it anymore, BUT if you look up apple stores in your area they have people that could probably help explain things a little more. that's what i would do

How should I diffuse this situation?

OK.soo i was bored and its late,so i was about to have a night of spanking the weasel,so i went upstairs to get some lotion,but forgot that porn was already on the computer screen downstairs,but i went up there sister,who is very opposed to porn,was having a hard time sleeping.when i heard her walking downstairs,i ran down there but it was too late.i couldnt find her for about 5 minutes but i heard her working in the sink,which is right next to the computer,so she probably saw it.when she returned to the room,she scowled at me then walked away.any suggestions.

Hey guyz what can I do ?

hey guyz I m 18 n I ve a sis who is 24 older one and then my second sis who is 22 and them comes Me,,,Guyz I always wanted to kiss my oldest sis but I was afraid and my bonding with my second is too good we both are too close but I like my oldest sis the most...Me and my second sis usually kiss each other on lips and one day I told my sis that I want to kiss my oldest sis can u ask her if she allows me and then after 2 days my sis told me that we will go out together my oldest sis me and my second sis we all went out and she told me to stop in a calm place where no one is around we ll chat lis to music etc I said ok and then I stopped my car in a place where no one was around and my oldest sis told my second sis that go out and have a walk the time she went out my oldest sis told me that u wanted to kiss me then y did not u ask me directly...even I wanted to kiss you but just as a younger bro no sexual feelings etc I said ok n then she gave me a peck on lips etc but now her birthday is after 3 days n I want to give her a dress but i dnt knw her size should I ask her ???? that whats her figure size what can I doo ???

Can lice eggs survive on Hair Straighteners?

My hair straighten goes up to 450' i used it the day before i found out i had lice. is it okay to use? if not what should i do with it?

Knots in hair and headdlice?

Okay well i have layers, and i always get head lice !! Know any good tips on getting rid of headlice? I have dark brown hair, and it gets thick really easily, i brush my hair everyday, i always have my hair down, but, under my hair, like the lower layer it always gets knotty , like really easily it took me 2 hours the other night to brush it all out! my hair is about shoulder length,...